English Info
The Geophysical Society of Finland (founded in 1926, name in Finnish: Geofysiikan Seura r.y., in Swedish: Geofysiska Sällskapet r.f.) advances geophysical research and serves as a link between those involved in it.
One of the main activities of the Society is to arrange public lectures on different geophysical topics approximately once a month during the academic year. In most cases, the lectures are given in Finnish, but foreign speakers can be invited as well. The lectures are usually arranged in the house of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (Tieteiden talo) in Helsinki.
The Geophysical Society of Finland has published the journal Geophysica since 1935. Research papers, review articles, notes and short communications on all geophysical topics can be submitted to the pre-review process, and the journal is open to anyone who wishes to contribute an original scientific paper. Emphasis is given to papers concerning geophysics in Northern Europe as well as articles relevant to Finland. The journal is published in English.
Another publication of the Society is titled Geophysics Days. It comprises the extended abstracts of presentations, either oral or poster, given at a meeting known under the same name. This two-day meeting is organized by the Society, usually every second year. The venue of the meeting alternates between Helsinki and Oulu in northern Finland. The meeting is essentially Finnish-speaking, but presentations given in English are accepted. Geofysiikan Päivät is mainly published in Finnish except for brief summaries in English. The last meeting was held at the University of Oulu from May 30 to 31, 2024, and the next one will be held in the Finnish capital region in 2026. Further information can be found here.
The silver Palmén medal can be awarded to a distinguished Finnish geophysicist for outstanding achievements within the fields represented by the Society. By 2022, fourteen silver medals had been bestowed since 1968. The bronze Palmén medal can be awarded more frequently for contributions in geophysics when the board of the Society so chooses.
The Geophysical Society of Finland has approximately 180 members and 9 corporate members. New members are recruited through the application form. In 2024, the fee for a regular member is 30 € and for a student 0 €. The journal Geophysica is freely available at its website and a paper copy is available to members who have requested it from the secretary of the Society.
The National Committees of Geodesy and Geophysics, and World Climate Reseach Programme, work under the umbrella of the Society. The first one of these committees maintains connections to the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics.
Officers of the Society in 2024 and their contact information:
- Chair: Dr. Laura Tuomi (Finnish Meteorological Institute), firstname.lastname@fmi.fi
- Vice Chair: Dr. Ari Laaksonen (Finnish Meteorological Institute), firstname.lastname@fmi.fi
- Secretary: Dr. Jani Särkkä (Finnish Meteorological Institute), firstname.lastname@fmi.fi
- Treasurer: Dr. Timo Saari (National Land Survey), firstname.lastname@nls.fi
Other members of the board:
- Dr. Lauri Holappa (University of Oulu), firstname.lastname@oulu.fi
- Dr. Toni Veikkolainen (University of Helsinki), firstname.lastname@helsinki.fi
- M.Sc. Sakari Väkevä (Finnish Environment Institute), firstname.lastname@ymparisto.fi
You can contact the Geophysical Society of Finland by sending a message to the secretary.
Jani Särkkä
Finnish Meteorological Institute
P.O. Box 503
Tel: +358 50 5383051
E-mail: firstname.lastname@fmi.fi