XXXI Geophysics Days

The 31st Geophysics Days will take place at the Linnanmaa Campus of the University of Oulu on May 30-31 (Thu-Fri), 2024. On Friday, the programme ends latest at 15.00.

General information

The Geophysics Days will be back in northern Finland in late spring. The aim of the meeting is to pass information about new scientific research topics to the researchers and students of various disciplines of geophysics - solid earth, hydrosphere, atmosphere and near space.

The meeting is arranged by the Geophysical Society of Finland on behalf of University of Oulu (UOULU), Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Finnish Geospatial Research Institute of the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS/FGI), Department of Geosciences and Geography of University of Helsinki (UH/GEO), and Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE).

Organizing committee: Lauri Holappa (UOULU, chair), Emma-Riikka Kokko (UOULU), Kari Moisio (UOULU), Laura Tuomi (FMI), Ari Laaksonen (FMI), Timo Saari (NLS/FGI), Toni Veikkolainen (UH/GEO), Jani Särkkä (FMI), Sakari Väkevä (SYKE).

Venue of the meeting

  • The meeting is held at the University of Oulu (Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, 90570 Oulu, Finland).
  • Lecture program will be held in the lecture hall L2, the location of which is visible in the map here. The hall can be accessed from the main entrance (2T door) from Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu, which is at the bus stop of the campus.
  • Poster session will be outside the lecture hall.
  • The meeting is fully onsite. No remote participation is possible.

Conference programme and proceedings

  • Conference programme is available here.
  • Conference proceedings are available here.


  • Registration has been opened at
  • The deadline for registration is May 10, 2024. This is also the deadline for submitting articles to the conference proceedings.
  • Personal information gathered in association with registration is used according to GDPR only for arranging the event and will be removed when no longer necessary.

Participation fees

  • Fees are charged for participation: 100 € (researcher), 50 € (postgraduate student, undergraduate student, retired or unemployed)
  • Fees cover participation, and catering services during coffee breaks and poster session, and conference dinner (part of drinks in the dinner not included).
  • Lunch is not included in the participation fee. Lunch is served at the restaurants of Uniresta and Juvenes at the campus.
  • Conference dinner will be organized in the restaurant Lasaretti near the Oulu city centre (Kasarmintie 13b, 90130 Oulu) on May 30, 2024 starting from 7 p.m. The restaurant is located in a hotel with the same name.

Conference article submission and presentations

  • Both oral and poster presentations are welcome in the Geophysics Days.
  • Your presentation may be in Finnish or in English. The language of the presentation should be same as the language of the conference article.
  • Oral presentations are divided into sessions in two days. The length of a talk is 15 min + 5 min reserved for discussion.
  • Posters will be presented in a poster session in the first day the event. The recommended maximum size of the poster is A0 vertically.
  • The deadline for submitting conference articles about presentation topics is May 10, 2024.
  • Conference articles are to be submitted to Lauri Holappa via email (see contact details below). Please indicate clearly whether you like to have a talk or a poster.
  • Participants are requested to submit articles in MS Word or LaTeX format using files provided. The Word template is available here and the LaTeX file package here.
  • Articles are published electronically in the proceedings of the Geophysics Days. They may be regular or extended abstracts with the length of 1-4 pages.

Contact information

  • Lauri Holappa (primary contact,, +358 50 5721746)
  • Laura Tuomi (
MS Word -tiedostoLastname_Firstname_GFP2024.docx (41 kB)
The article template of Geophysics Days in MS Word format
Tuntematon (92 kB)
The article template of Geophysics Days as a LaTeX package
PDF-tiedostoLinnanmaaMap_A3-1.pdf (1.1 MB)
The map of the Linnanmaa campus area